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The Ultimate Guide to Scandinavian Living Room Design in 2022


If you’re looking to revamp your living room in 2022, consider incorporating Scandinavian design elements. The Scandinavian style is known for its simplicity, functionality, and emphasis on natural materials, making it a popular choice for homeowners looking to create a cozy and inviting living space.

In this guide, we’ll explore the key design elements of a Scandinavian living room, from color palettes to furniture choices, and provide tips on how to incorporate these elements into your own home.

Color Palette

One of the defining characteristics of Scandinavian design is its use of neutral colors. In a Scandinavian living room, you’ll typically see shades of white, cream, beige, and gray, with pops of muted blues, greens, and pinks.

When choosing a color palette for your living room, opt for light and airy colors that will create a sense of calm and tranquility. Darker colors can be used sparingly as accents, but avoid overwhelming the space with too much color.

Furniture Choices

Scandinavian furniture is known for its simple, clean lines and focus on functionality. In a Scandinavian living room, you’ll typically see furniture made from natural materials like wood, leather, and wool.

Invest in high-quality furniture pieces that will stand the test of time and pair them with minimalist accessories like geometric cushions and throws to add texture and warmth to the space.


Lighting is a key element in any Scandinavian living room. Natural light is preferred, so keep window treatments minimal to allow as much light as possible to flood the space.

To supplement natural light, incorporate a mix of different lighting fixtures like floor lamps, table lamps, and pendant lights. Opt for fixtures with a minimalist design that will blend seamlessly with the rest of your decor.

Decorative Accents

In a Scandinavian living room, less is often more when it comes to decorative accents. Choose a few carefully curated pieces that add a touch of warmth and personality to the space without overwhelming it.

Consider adding a statement piece like an oversized wall hanging or a vintage rug to add texture and interest. And don’t forget about plants! Greenery is a staple in Scandinavian design, so consider adding a few potted plants to the room to create a natural and inviting atmosphere.

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